
GEN AI Engineering | Purpose Built for Insurance | Outcome Focused

The Problem of Unstructured Data in Insurance

Insurance processes, by their nature, rely heavily on critical data, most of which is embedded in unstructured documents. The manual approach towards analyzing and extracting data from these documents is expensive, error-prone, and impacts turnaround time, leading to poor customer experience. Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) platforms can have a transformative impact on insurance processes and be translated into a competitive advantage for insurance carriers and brokers. 

However, traditional IDP platforms rely on a singular, solitary approach for data extraction, and frequently without the context of insurance. In reality, deploying first-generation Artificial Intelligence methods to complicated insurance data has not demonstrated effective results. This approach of oversimplification, not surprisingly, leads to poor automation levels and a high degree of unreliability.

CogniSure Platform Overview

Data Extraction Engineering – The CogniSure Way

CogniSure’s Innovation Labs has evolved a unique hybrid engineering approach for IDP. It combines non-symbolic AI, such as machine learning and deep learning systems, with symbolic AI, or the embedding of human intelligence. This invention, based on more than 80 combined years of research by data scientists, engineers, and insurance experts, delivers data output that is exponentially more accurate and reliable than the methods commonly followed by platform providers. Injecting insurance context into our algorithms makes them much more effective and powerful in solving real-world problems. We further offer value addition through data enrichment and transforming the data into meaningful insurance insights.

CogniSure AI Platform Components: Unlocking the Power of Intelligent Data Management

Effortlessly extract data from emails with MailExtract. This feature ensures that relevant data is seamlessly pulled from emails, reducing the need for time-consuming data input.

Conquer the challenge of unwieldy documents with SplitAny. This dynamic tool divides large bundled documents into manageable segments. Each piece of information is treated as an individual entity, ensuring precise processing and analysis.

Accurate identification is the cornerstone of effective data management. ClassifyAny utilizes advanced algorithms to precisely identify carriers and document types. This foundational step sets the stage for accurate data extraction.

ExtractAny empowers you to extract data at the level of detail you desire. Customize your data extraction to suit your specific needs, ensuring that you obtain the relevant insights necessary for informed decision-making.

Leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP), InterpretAny extracts meaning from text. Dive deeper into nuanced information, such as identifying the "Cause of Loss" from loss description texts. This intelligent feature enhances the accuracy and relevance of your data.

Transforming extracted output into industry-standard data sets and customized client formats is effortless with Any2Any. This ensures compatibility and ease of integration with your existing workflows.

Searching for hidden information within documents and emails becomes a breeze with SearchAny. Retrieve specific data points swiftly, saving time and facilitating data-driven decisions.

Infrastructure and Security Overview

CogniSure places a paramount emphasis on the robustness of its infrastructure and the security of its platform. Our infrastructure is built on state-of-the-art cloud-hosted architecture, ensuring scalability and reliability. We implement stringent security protocols to protect sensitive data, including encryption in transit and at rest, access controls, and regular security audits.

Hosting Environment

AWS cloud-hosted environment with different primary and backup secondary data sites. Documented DR/ BCP plan. Yearly disaster recovery drill.

Infrastructure Monitoring

24X7 monitoring of health and performance of infrastructure - Service availability, CPU consumption, Memory usage, System load, Disc utilization, API availability


Capability to ‘Auto scale’ for peak load requirements. Load balancers available 24X7.

Vulnerability Assessment

Automated vulnerability management service by AWS Inspector. Operational and risk auditing, governance, and compliance by AWS CloudTrail

Data Retention and Privacy

Data retention policy is set according to the client's standards by considering: Data Classification, Retention Period, Data Disposal, and Legal & Regulatory Compliance.

Physical Security

Independent background verification by third-party. Access controlled environment with mandatory security awareness training and certification.

Smart Solutions, Smarter Insurance: Discover the CogniSure Platform

Discover a world of smarter possibilities, harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning to bring unmatched efficiency and agility to underwriting processes.